Monday, May 27, 2013

Discipline Tips (4) - Ronald Morris


31.   “Behavior is the only major area of child development where we tolerate deterioration over time”

32.   “To be partners in education, parents and teachers must focus on what they will accomplish together, not what they will punish together”

33.   "Discipline is about giving children the structure they need, not the consequences they deserve"

34.   “If adults won’t say no to children, children won’t say no to themself”

35.   “Never use a reward which breeds selfishness in the child who receives it”

36.   “Discipline comes from the word “disciple”, not the word “orgre”. It’s about teaching and learning, not scolding and punishing”

37.   “Discipline is a process, not an event”

38.   “If the children who learn to accept limits when they’re young, that experience the most freedom when they’re old”

39.   “If impulsive children could stop to consider the consequences of their actions, they wouldn’t have been called impulsive in the first place”

40.               “The only good praise is genuine praise”


  1. Đề nghị đổi màu cho câu số 36, làm sao cho thật ấn tượng mà nhớ miết ! :)

  2. TA ơi, change color thì dễ. Chỉ sợ vừa lòng vợ thì mất lòng chồng thôi! :)
